The italian beauty

We can push ourselves to the ends of the world, wade through rivers in the primordial jungle, encounter animals in the wild, make contact with the customs and uses of local populations so different from ours … but every time we dedicate time to exploring our Italy we come back home more fascinated than ever.

Don’t get us wrong: travel experiences outside of our country are unique and offer the possibility of expanding our mind, but we are at the same time convinced supporters of trips to Italy.

It doesn’t matter how far you go: often, real beauties hide behind the corner and are a stone’s throw away from you, you only have to open your eyes to notice it.

An example is the Amalfi Coast, 55 km of rare beauty that wind between hilltop villages and paths overlooking the crystalline sea.


How to travel in Amalfi Coast?
Before preparing the itinerary to discover the Amalfi Coast, there’s a problem to face. How to travel the 55 km
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Amalfi Coast budget tips
You know, get to the Amalfi Coast on a budget is not so easy. For this reason, most of the
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