Grand Tour of South America

The travel become reality

The trip to South America was a real “tour de force”: 8 domestic air flights, coach journeys and abrupt climate changes from the pungent cold of Tierra del Fuego to the heat of the Galapagos Islands.

We wanted to see everything (maybe too much!), but we managed to fulfill our greatest desires: the wonderful Iguazu waterfalls; the infinite spaces of Patagonia; the mysterious Terra del Fuego up to Cabo de Hornos, the most southern rock in the world; the charm of the Sacred Valley of Cuzco and the jungle path to get to Machu Picchu; close encounters with unique animals in the world that are hosted on the Galapagos Islands.

Argentina, Peru, Galapagos: destinations able to conquer for their beautiful landscapes, difficult to forget.

Ready to leave?


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